Planning Ahead: Things You Must Do Before Moving

No matter how one puts it, moving is always hectic and draining. Every step, from initially thinking of the move to the actual day of moving, comes with its own set of challenges. Some people have taken the approach of postponing anything related to the move until the day that can’t be done any longer, and then it comes as no surprise that the move’s execution is sloppy, messy, and results in a lot of waste both in terms of time, money, and goods.

This is why it’s always prudent to have a checklist of things you must do before moving. Many times, the overwhelming thoughts of the move render one incapable of coming up with a working plan. If you’re in the same boat, rest easy because we have you covered. We’re enlisting all of the things you must do before moving so you have a general plan on how to operate.

Make a moving schedule.

If, at any point in life, you’ve ridiculed an excessive planner, you’ll be rethinking that choice once you go through a stressful and unplanned move. It’s always wise to start planning and jotting down things for moving day at least a couple of months in advance. What this will accomplish is breaking down the massive action of moving into smaller and more achievable goals that won’t incapacitate you when you think of them.

To make things even easier and actually fun too, you can make daily tasks out of the moving project or make larger deadlines for things that might require more time and work. A moving schedule can also help distribute the moving tasks across people and take the pressure off of one person or just a couple of people who are forced to take the entire moving plan forward. Creating easier tasks can also be a great way to integrate children to contribute their share in moving too!

Sort and categorize your things.

While this might sound mechanical, it’s of the utmost importance to be aware of every possession and where it stands in value. Before moving, you need to know what items are going to be taken to the new house and which ones are either junk or no longer useful in the area or house you’re moving. Organizing puts all of this into perspective and also saves you a lot in the coming days too.

Not separating trash from useful items means you’ll have to carry the lot during the move. Remember that the more items you have, the bigger and greater the number of moving vehicles you’ll have to rent. So, basically, you’ll be paying a lot of money to make sure practically useless items are carried to your new house, where you’ll eventually have to get rid of them anyway. Now it goes without saying that one of the things you must do before moving is sort your stuff into workable categories.

Organize and gather paperwork and documentation.

Moving isn’t a walk in the park, and neither is it done in isolation. There are legal and residential aspects to it, which is why documentation is needed and asked for too. Applying for schools in a newer area or renewing vehicle plates if you’re moving out of the state all require personal documents in order to be completed. Instead of making the mistake of letting your documents get scattered during the move and then causing yourself unnecessary stress while looking for them, plan in advance.

Make sure every family member’s personal documents are organized and within reach at all times. Other paperwork like a house or car deeds are also important in the matter and need to be readily available too. One of the most crucial things to do before moving is to locate your documents and sort them too.

Cancel services and subscriptions.

An unnecessary cost that most people don’t consider before they move and up until after they’ve moved is the bills that will keep coming in from their current service providers. One part of planning ahead as you consider moving is to keep track of every subscription and service you’re availing of and then cancel them in alignment with your moving day. This is why it’s important to have a handy moving date set that makes sense in terms of bills and charges.

Simultaneously, you need to set up utilities at your new house, so you’re not resorted to living without them several days after you move in. The number one thing among the things you must do before moving is a plan to set and cut subscriptions and utilities in your new and old house. This saves a lot of unnecessary expenses and a lot of unneeded trouble too.

Make plans with a moving company.

There are lots of moving companies out there, but there’s no given that an efficient one that’s offering a great price might be available when you reach out to them close to your move. This is why it’s an excellent plan to start scouting out movers as soon as you’ve set a moving date. You’ll be able to get lots of options in terms of services and even prices, which is great if your move is operating on a strict budget.

Make sure that the company you end up picking has the needed licensure for both in-state and out-of-state transportation, depending on where you’re moving. It’s also wise to see how reputed the company is and what the feedback from their other customers is. An inefficient moving company means a messy and ill-organized move that comes with a lot of damage and additional expenses too.

Here’s the takeaway:

Moving isn’t the easiest of plans to execute, but it can be rendered way more manageable with a sound list of things you must do before moving. Sorting through your belongings, documentation, scheduling, and the service providers you’re planning on partnering with before and after the move is a set-and-done way of making sure the move will be smooth, and so will the settling-in process!

Also Read: Tips for Moving on a Budget: The Best Ways to Save Money While Moving Houses

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